Data-Driven Mental Health Care for All

Eve leverages the power of data to improve how you are understood and supported on your journey.

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Fueled by data and machine learning, Eve delivers a world class experience for Clients, Clinicians, and Researchers.

Great clinician recommendations

Take control of your wellness journey by letting Eve’s powerful platform find the right clinician for you.

Easier Appointments

Feel better sooner by using the Eve mobile app to schedule and manage appointments with your personal clinician.

Visible Results

Track your symptoms, moods, and more with the Eve app. This helps your clinician customize your treatment for enhanced results.

Commitment to Privacy & Security

Our Commitment to Privacy and Security

We adhere to the highest principles of data security and privacy management and respect your user’s inherent desires for the safety, control, and ownership of their data.

You control when, how, or if data is used or removed from our service.

These core principles include transparency of data usage, making sure that data is only used in a manner that is lawful and provides a clear benefit to our users.

Eve is HIPAA-compliant.

All data access must be authorized and authenticated.

Every client has the right to opt-in or out of research.

Client records are portable and easily exportable per HIPAA guidelines.